Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy 1st TGIF of 2011

Yes, I'm almost a week late with New Year's greetings, graphics, and all the rest, not to mention Christmas was here and gone before I knew it. I have excuses!!

First excuse: Grandkids were out of school from Dec. 22 to Jan. 3. I had them the eight weekdays during that time. 5 kids, ranging from age 9 to 16 months. 9+ hours each day. I don't live in a mansion.

Second excuse: I was on a deadline, working to finish my sixth Harlequin American set in Desperation, OK. For those familiar with the stories and characters, this is Garrett Miles's story and will be available in September. Tucker's story, THE MAVERICK'S REWARD, will be available in June. Writing the books is not the only work that's done. Authors also fill out a questionaire for the art department about the cover, do revisions requested by our editors, work on copy edits and AAs/Author Alterations/Galleys, all which came due for one book or another in the months and weeks leading up to the holidays. I'll remember to factor in holidays--and weekends off-- the next time I set deadlines

Third excuse: I design websites for authors and a few other businesses, and as the new year approached, many of my clients wanted their websites updated. They come first. My website and blog come last. 'Tis life. :)

Yes, I've been busy and still have several things that must be done, as I know everyone else does. Life doesn't stop just because it's Christmas, vacation, or we managed to succumb to the latest round of whatever flu is hitting the whole country. (Yes, me, too. Twice.)

When it comes to blogging, I could sit here and say that I'll do better in the future, but there's a strong chance I would fail, so I won't. No New Year's Resolutions for me, and I haven't even begun to work on Goals for the year, whether writing or personal. There's been no time. I have excuses!!

I hope everyone's holidays were happy and gifted with wonderous things! May 2011 be a fabulous year for all!


Jennifer Taylor said...

You're busy schedule sounds like mine! I dread tax season. I've not been keeping up with logging things in for my accountant as I should have been doing all year.

Mad Romance Writer aka Rox Delaney said...

Same here, Jennifer. The hunt (for receipts) will begin soon! Not that I'm looking forward to it. Good luck with yours!